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Nov 28, 20214 min read
Does the word ‘ladies’ make you feel unsafe?
The culture of safetyism on campus is becoming increasingly absurd 22November 2021

Apr 24, 20219 min read
The free-speech crisis is not a right-wing myth
12 March 2021 SPIKED Too many on what passes for the left today are keen to dismiss the free-speech crisis in universities as a...

Sep 13, 20204 min read
The crusade against the Enlightenment
Published on spiked 14 September 2020: Edinburgh...

Jun 21, 20203 min read
Dystopian and disturbing: Big Tech censorship lumps together conspiracy loons and proper scientists
18 May 2020 RT YouTube has set itself up as the world’s thought police over Covid-19 and is shutting down the voices of highly respected...

Mar 9, 20205 min read
How to win the campus free-speech wars
I became a university lecturer almost 50 years ago, in 1974. At that time in British higher education, there were occasional attempts to...

Dec 30, 20196 min read
Our right to free expression is in crisis - can we call ourselves a democracy if we don't encourage
In this series, writers give their verdict on the previous decade and predictions for the next. Here, Frank Furedi reflects on the decade...

Dec 26, 20197 min read
In 2020, we need to fight the new thoughtpolice
During the past decade, and especially this year, those in positions of influence have tried to change the narrative through which...

Oct 18, 20197 min read
The war over words
The issue of language is becoming more and more acrimonious and controversial. Politicians are attacked not so much for their views and...

Nov 13, 20182 min read
Academics need courage, not anonymity
As a university professor and fervent advocate of academic freedom and free speech, I felt uneasy when I heard that an international...

Jul 17, 20173 min read
Review: Not safe, just absurdly soft
As if Australia Day isn’t dangerous enough for the culturally insensitive, we are now advised not to celebrate the Australian belief in...

Jan 5, 20173 min read
Campuses are breaking apart into ‘safe spaces’
The meaning of a “safe space” has shifted dramatically on college campuses. Until about two years ago, a safe space referred to a room...
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