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Sep 19, 20194 min read
Scaring children witless
‘Eco-anxiety’ has become the latest fashionable malaise. Apparently it is afflicting many children. That kids as young as four and five...

Aug 2, 20198 min read
The turn against motherhood
There is a difference between an individual deciding not to have children and someone embracing the view that there is something...

Nov 4, 20114 min read
Knee-jerk reaction as nuclear hysteria engulfs German society
Almost instantaneously the catastrophe that devastated Japan was transformed into an immediate existential threat to the German way of...

Sep 17, 20114 min read
Possibilities for fear remain endless
In the contemporary vocabulary of public life, the term climate change signals the idea of an alarming threat, which in turn demands that...

Mar 14, 20115 min read
Japan: a catastrophe, not a disaster movie
The devastation unleashed by the mega earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan last Friday is one of the greatest disasters the country...
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